Ukraine Between War and Peace. Edition en anglais

24,99 €
Towards a decline of the West Since the early 1990s, globalization has gradually turned against the West, which had promoted it. Industrial power, research and innovation have slowly shifted to Asia, which seems set to dominate the 21st century. On the decline since the 2000s, the United States is engaged in a struggle to maintain its supremacy. How is the American strategy to achieve this ? What role do peripheral conflicts such as Ukraine, Taiwan, or even Iran or North Korea play in this process ? How does Europe risk being caught in the crossfire for lack of strategy ? After the best-seller Putin, the Master of the Game, whose analysis has been acclaimed worldwide, Jacques Baud looks back at the Western strategy towards China and Russia and the loss of confidence it has generated in the rest of the world. He explains how the world order risks being turned upside down by a lack of foresight and anticipation. Jacques Baud was a member of the Swiss strategic intelligence. A specialist in Eastern countries and head of UN peace operations doctrine, he was engaged in negotiations with the highest Russian military and intelligence officials just after the fall of the USSR. Within NATO, he followed the 2014 Ukrainian crisis and then participated in programs to assist Ukraine. Author of L'Affaire Navalny , Poutine : maître du jeu ? and Operation Z published by Max Milo.
Habituellement expédié sous 2 à 4 jours
EAN : 9782315010820
Format : Grand Format
Type : Livre papier
Dimensions : 23.9cm (h) x 15.9cm (l) x 2.3cm (p)
Date publication : 26/09/2023
Editeur : Max Milo Editions
Auteur(s) : Jacques Baud

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