Our underwater world. Edition en anglais

17,95 €
A poetic read-aloud celebration of our planet's underwater worlds, that opens up to create a freestanding globe The youngest readers are invited to explore and experience our blue planet's amazing underwater ecosystems through rhyming verse and lush illustrations : from freshwater ponds to the deepest depths of the ocean, streams, and rivers, to coral reefs and polar waters.
Habituellement expédié sous 2 à 4 jours
EAN : 9781838667009
Format : Album
Type : Livre papier
Dimensions : 32cm (h) x 13.4cm (l) x 2.2cm (p)
Date publication : 08/09/2023
Editeur : Phaidon
Auteur(s) : Sue Lowell Gallion
Lisk Feng

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