Hot regressive cuisine. Edition en anglais

35,00 €
"Opening a fine bottle of wine. The delight of the guests, their mingling chatter and laughter. And then, sharing. A feast. Recipes. A hundred of them". Cooking has always been for me a resourcing experience during which I allow myself to take my time and where time often seems to stand still. Cooking allows me to focus, to explore every aspect of my creativity, to innovate... Thinking about and assembling various recipes at once, adjusting them. Working with beautiful products from the land and sea. Enjoying the diversity of ingredients as seasons change, sensing their scents and tasting their flavors, capable of taking one on a journey through time. In this book, you will find the recipes that have shaped my childhood, those that were passed on to me, and others that came to me later, which I have refined and re-refined, alternating between rigor and lightness. Some dishes are very simple, others more elaborate, but I hope all are delicate and delectable. Always with the same guiding principle : the desire to bring joy to others and to myself. Let these recipes guide you and adapt the ingredients to your own desires.
Habituellement expédié sous 2 à 4 jours
EAN : 9782017266365
Format : Grand Format
Type : Livre papier
Dimensions : 27.5cm (h) x 20.3cm (l) x 3cm (p)
Date publication : 22/11/2023
Editeur : Hachette
Auteur(s) : Paul Delrez
Priscilla dos Santos
Fiona Schmidt

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